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Ausgewählte Nachricht
07.01.2025 09:01

Original-Research: ZEAL Network SE (von NuWays AG): Buy

^ Original-Research: ZEAL Network SE - from NuWays AG 07.01.2025 / 09:00 CET/CEST Dissemination of a Research, transmitted by EQS News - a service of EQS Group. The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this research. The result of this research does not constitute investment advice or an invitation to conclude certain stock exchange transactions. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Classification of NuWays AG to ZEAL Network SE Company Name: ZEAL Network SE ISIN: DE000ZEAL241 Reason for the research: Update Recommendation: Buy from: 07.01.2025 Target price: EUR 60.00 Target price on sight of: 12 months Last rating change: Analyst: Henry Wendisch Strong market share gain in 2024 Topic: The state lottery (DLTB) released its 2024 lottery data with details about the on- and offline distribution channels, which implies a strong market share gain for ZEAL. In detail: More lottery spending: lottery spending increased by 4.4% yoy to EUR 8.56bn in 2024. As there were no price increases throughout the year, the increase should strem from a higher user activity. The main products remained Lotto 6aus49 (EUR 3.5bn, -8% yoy) and a strong Eurojackpot (EUR 2.6bn, +30% yoy). Online growth and offline decline: in 2024, lottery players spent EUR 2.59bn (+28% yoy) via the online channel on lottery products (eNuW, based on DLTB data). On the other hand, this implies a 4% yoy decline to EUR 5.97bn in the offline channel. Consequently, the online penetration increased by 5.5pp yoy to 30.3% (eNuW) Large jump in market share: Based on our estimate of ZEAL's FY'24 bilings incl. own products of EUR 1.19bn (+ 34% yoy) and the published EUR 1.4bn (+ 17% yoy) in online billings from the state lottery, ZEAL should show a market share jump by +4.6pp yoy to 46% in 2024 (eNuW). This clearly shows that ZEAL is able to outperform the state lottery's online offering as a result of its highly specialized and efficient online marketing operations. Outlook for 2025: following a superb 2024, ZEAL should have an easy to reach comparable base in H1'25e, thanks to the strong user intake of the past and the price increase as of H2'24. Going into H2'25e, the positive base effect of the price increase will be gone and a similarly strong H2'25 lottery environment like in H2'24 is not predicatble. Therefore, we expect a tough comparable base for H2'25e. Nevertheless, the company will remain on a growth path in FY'25e (eNuW: +7% yoy sales growth). Moreover, the increasing fix cost coverage allows for a better cost mix towards the high-return marketing spendings, further sustaining growth. All in all, ZEAL remains in the driver seat of the German online transformation of lottery by outperforming the state and also by creating a market outside the state lottery with its own and well received products such as games, freiheit+ and the dream house raffle 'Traumhausverlosung', that all come in at higher margins and show large growth potentials. Therefore, we recommend to BUY with unchanged PT of EUR 60.00, based on DCF. You can download the research here: http://www.more-ir.de/d/31587.pdf For additional information visit our website: https://www.nuways-ag.com/research-feed Contact for questions: NuWays AG - Equity Research Web: www.nuways-ag.com Email: research@nuways-ag.com LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/nuwaysag Adresse: Mittelweg 16-17, 20148 Hamburg, Germany ++++++++++ Diese Meldung ist keine Anlageberatung oder Aufforderung zum Abschluss bestimmter Börsengeschäfte. Offenlegung möglicher Interessenskonflikte nach § 85 WpHG beim oben analysierten Unternehmen befinden sich in der vollständigen Analyse. ++++++++++ --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The EQS Distribution Services include Regulatory Announcements, Financial/Corporate News and Press Releases. Archive at www.eqs-news.com --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2062291 07.01.2025 CET/CEST °

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