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Ausgewählte Nachricht
14.08.2024 08:01

EQS-News: Multitude SE: The Board of Directors of Multitude SE Proposes to Postpone the Decision on the Redomiciliation to an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held in September (deutsch)

Multitude SE: The Board of Directors of Multitude SE Proposes to Postpone the Decision on the Redomiciliation to an Extraordinary General Meeting to be held in September

EQS-News: Multitude SE / Schlagwort(e): Hauptversammlung
Multitude SE: The Board of Directors of Multitude SE Proposes to Postpone
the Decision on the Redomiciliation to an Extraordinary General Meeting to
be held in September

14.08.2024 / 08:01 CET/CEST
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.


Multitude SE: The Board of Directors of Multitude SE Proposes to Postpone
the Decision on the Redomiciliation to an Extraordinary General Meeting to
be held in September

Gzira, 14 August 2024 - The Board of Directors of Multitude SE, a listed
European FinTech company, offering digital lending and online banking
services to consumers, small and medium-sized businesses, and other FinTechs
(ISIN: MT0002810100, WKN: A40G1Q) ("Multitude" or "Company"), has today
resolved to: (1) withdraw the proposed extraordinary resolution (agenda item
4) regarding the Company's redomiciliation from Malta to Switzerland from
the agenda of the extraordinary general meeting to be held on 21 August 2024
(the "August EGM"); and (2) make a fresh proposal on the same matter at a
new extraordinary general meeting to be held on 5 September 2024, the notice
and relevant documentation for which will be published separately ("September

The reason for withdrawing the proposal from the August EGM and making a
fresh proposal at the September EGM is attributable to further information
of technical nature regarding regulatory and tax processes as conditions for
completion of the contemplated redomiciliation.

Save for the withdrawal of the proposed extraordinary resolution regarding
the contemplated redomiciliation (agenda item 4), the August EGM is still
expected to proceed as planned and to resolve on the approval of the
conversion of the Company into a Maltese public limited liability company
and corresponding change in the name of the Company and amendments to the
Company's memorandum and articles of association.

For the avoidance of doubt, shareholders who have already voted on the
proposed extraordinary resolution (agenda item 4) regarding the Company's
redomiciliation from Malta to Switzerland in the August EGM, will have to
attend to and vote again in the September EGM in order for their vote to be
counted towards the decision.


Lasse Mäkelä
Chief Strategy and IR Officer
Phone: +41 79 371 34 17
E-Mail: Lasse.makela@multitude.com

About Multitude SE:

Multitude is a listed European FinTech company, offering digital lending and
online banking services to consumers, small and medium-sized businesses, and
other FinTechs overlooked by traditional banks. The services are provided
through three independent business units, which are served by our internal
Banking-as-a-Service Growth Platform. Multitude's business units are
consumer banking (Ferratum), SME banking (CapitalBox) and wholesale banking
(Multitude Bank). Multitude Group employs over 700 people in 25 countries
and offers services in 16 countries, achieving a combined turnover of EUR
230 million euros in 2023. Multitude was founded in Finland in 2005 and is
listed on the Prime Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under
the symbol 'E4I'. www.multitude.com


14.08.2024 CET/CEST Veröffentlichung einer Corporate News/Finanznachricht,
übermittelt durch EQS News - ein Service der EQS Group AG.
Für den Inhalt der Mitteilung ist der Emittent / Herausgeber verantwortlich.

Die EQS Distributionsservices umfassen gesetzliche Meldepflichten, Corporate
News/Finanznachrichten und Pressemitteilungen.
Medienarchiv unter https://eqs-news.com


   Sprache:        Deutsch
   Unternehmen:    Multitude SE
                   Ratamestarinkatu 11 A
                   00520 Helsinki
   E-Mail:         ir@multitude.com
   Internet:       https://www.multitude.com/
   ISIN:           MT0002810100
   WKN:            A40G1Q
   Börsen:         Regulierter Markt in Frankfurt (Prime Standard);
                   Freiverkehr in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Hannover,
                   München, Stuttgart, Tradegate Exchange; Stockholm
   EQS News ID:    1967493

   Ende der Mitteilung    EQS News-Service

1967493 14.08.2024 CET/CEST


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