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  Name WKN Kurs Whrg. Diff.% Datum Zeit Volumen HP *  
Two Hands Corp. Registered Shares N... A3ET94 0,001 USD +50,00% 02.01.25 21.43 802,71 Mio. FINRA othe...  
MGO Global Inc. Registered Shares N... A4054X 0,845 USD +85,19% 13.02.25 21.59 674,16 Mio. Nasdaq  
HUMBL Inc. Registered Shares DL -,0... A2QQRZ 0,001 USD 0,00% 13.02.25 21.59 433,83 Mio. FINRA othe...  
Lee Pharmaceuticals Registered Shar... 862469 0,000 USD +33,33% 13.02.25 21.58 333,35 Mio. FINRA othe...  
Principal Solar Inc. Registered Sha... A14UGE 0,000 USD +100,00% 13.02.25 21.15 330,54 Mio. FINRA othe...  
Bolt Projects Holdings Inc. Registe... A40L7L 1,230 USD +303,28% 13.02.25 21.59 261,10 Mio. Nasdaq  
Intel Corp. Registered Shares DL -,... 855681 24,130 USD +7,34% 13.02.25 22.00 215,54 Mio. Nasdaq  
Electromedical Tech. Inc. Registere... A40AP1 0,000 USD 0,00% 13.02.25 21.59 203,46 Mio. FINRA othe...  
RAADR INC. Registered Shares New DL... A3DXTH 0,001 USD -21,43% 13.02.25 21.56 193,18 Mio. FINRA othe...  
PHI Group Inc. Registered Shares DL... A1JVF7 0,000 USD 0,00% 13.02.25 21.52 181,42 Mio. FINRA othe...  
NVIDIA Corp. Registered Shares DL-,... 918422 135,290 USD +3,16% 13.02.25 22.00 162,01 Mio. Nasdaq  
Paradigm Oil and Gas Inc. Registere... A1W9ZZ 0,000 USD -50,00% 13.02.25 21.58 157,96 Mio. FINRA othe...  
Good Hemp Inc. Registered Shares DL... A2PVBY 0,001 USD +10,00% 13.02.25 21.27 147,36 Mio. FINRA othe...  
Phoenix Motor Inc. Registered Share... A3DNM8 0,520 USD +106,27% 13.02.25 21.59 146,55 Mio. Nasdaq  
Lucid Group Inc. Reg. Shares Cl.A D... A3CVXG 3,260 USD +13,59% 13.02.25 21.59 140,52 Mio. Nasdaq  
DarkPulse Inc. Registered Shares DL... A2N457 0,000 USD 0,00% 13.02.25 21.52 132,16 Mio. FINRA othe...  
CYNGN Inc. Registered Shares o.N. A40GTN 0,105 USD -30,00% 13.02.25 21.59 126,78 Mio. Nasdaq  
Aditxt Inc. Registered Shares New D... A40QH8 0,075 USD -17,87% 13.02.25 21.59 114,81 Mio. Nasdaq  
Artificial Intell.Tech.Sol.Inc Regi... A2P2EZ 0,003 USD 0,00% 13.02.25 21.59 111,87 Mio. FINRA othe...  
BigBear.ai Holdings Inc. Registered... A3C8TH 9,780 USD +0,41% 13.02.25 21.59 111,23 Mio. NYSE  

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* Information zu Abkürzungen: HP = Handelsplatz
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